Friday 11 September 2009

Time and Attendance for Bagport Ltd

Bagport Ltd - Time and Attendance

Bagport is a baggage service provider for airports

System: Focus Lite with Handscan terminal

Bagport needed a Time & Attendance system for their operations at Bristol Airport.

They wanted equipment that was simple to operate and provided a foolproof method of correctly identifying individual employees using the system.

bagport-trolliesThe system is used to record employees arrival and departure times, to calculate worked hours including overtime and to record when employees take holiday or are absent for other reasons.

A HandScan or HandPunch terminal, which is a reliable biometric method that uses a 3D template of a hand to check identity, provides the level of security required.

Nick Watts, the UK MD for Bagport, said:

"Since having the system installed we have had no issues using it at all, it is working very well.

It is user friendly, and adding and archiving employees is very easy.

Our staff like it as they no longer need to write anything down, they just clock in and out."

Following the successful implementation of the Focus Lite system at Bristol Airport, another system was installed at Luton Airport, and further systems are planned.

The Focus Lite system is a very good system for companies wanting to monitor employee start and end times and to make standard hours calculations.

Call us now on 01761 410015 to see if you would benefit from having a Focus Lite system supplied and maintained by Access-to-Time.