Saturday 29 November 2008

Time Attendance with Biometrics

Time Attendance

Biometric time attendance
is becoming more and more popular. The main two reasons for this are that the employee who is using the system does not need to remember to bring a badge, fob or other token with them to work to register their arrival and departure and it
also eliminates the ability of one employee to clock another in or out.

The Ingersoll Rand Hand Punch or Handpunch or Handscan terminal is a very reliable means of Biometric time attendance recording.

You can also use the SY-780 Finger Print or the BioStation, these units work well in most environments but if your employees work in a more physical environment then we would recommend the Handscan terminals.

If you want more information on Computerised Time and Attendance systems then please visit us on line at

That's it for now, see you again soon... 01761 410015