Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Uattend in the news – it’s no laughing matter!

It was great to see all the recent media articles and reviews about uAttend. We have been in This Is Bath , which is the website for the Bath chronicle and Wiltshire Business Online part of the Swindon Advertiser. We have also had a great review on Kent Business TV

But we had to laugh, here in the Access-to-Time offices, when we read the article written about uAttend in Fund Strategy Magazine. The article reads “The chairman has the feeling he is not getting full value for what he pays his staff and wonders if biometrics and cloud computing can help him keep tabs on late arrivals and smoking breaks.”

The article goes on to say:

“I have recently become aware of a new type of company - a ’time and attendance specialist’, no less - which might be able to set your mind at rest. For the ever-watchful souls at Access-to-Time say they have launched a brand new way to keep track of employees, using fingerprint recognition. “

You can read the full article here.

Basically it’s a spoof article about an employee who his talking to the chairman about a made up company ‘Scam’. The writer and chairman are considering using uAttend for employees who are investment managers.

It’s a hilarious article poking fun at how you might implement a system with (not very fairly paid) human and non-human fund managers.

Seriously though, keeping track of staff is no laughing matter when you are a small business owner or have responsibility for paying staff for the hours they have worked. You can find out more about how you can save on staffing costs and increase productivity with uAttend here or purchase uAttend here.