Friday, 22 May 2009

Focus Time and Attendance System now has TOIL

Good afternoon...

Users of the Focus time and attendance system will be pleased to hear that TOIL or time off in lieu is now available within the system.

This allows the user to accrue time that is added to their holiday allowance so that they can take time off later to make up for the extra hours that have been worked over and above their normal working hours.

Employers can save money by implementing a TOIL system instead of paying overtime.

Employees also benefit from being able to accrue more holiday.

If you want a biometric clocking solution then the Hand scan or Handpunch terminals offer a good solution.

If you have an annual licence then get in touch with us and we will email you the new program or provide you with a link to it.

Employees say how much easier it is to clock instead of having to keep paper records. Payroll staff only have to check the results, no more lengthy calculations to cope with.

The Focus system also allows users to manage holiday and other absences very easily, see who is booked on holiday already with just a few clicks of the mouse, no more routing around holiday cards to see who is already booked off.

Give us a call if you need more information 01761 410015 or visit our web site.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Paxton Access Control Readers now work with the Focus Time and Attendance system


If you are thinking about adding Time and Attendance or Time Recording to your organisations list of systems that save time and money and ensure an accurate (and lower) payroll, then good news is at hand, especially if you already have a Paxton Access Control system.

You can now use Paxton Access Control readers to input data into Focus proximity terminals. This means that your employees can use their existing identity tokens, fobs or badges, to clock in and out on Focus proximity terminals.

For more information click on the the Focus Time & Attendance system link.

You can call us on 01761 410015 for a discussion on your requirements.

Or take advantage of our free consultancy service.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Saving Money with Biomtric Time and Attendance

Breaking news...

McDonalds in Venezuela is using Handscan (also known as Hand Punch) terminals to monitor employees clocking at 85 sites.

They say they are cutting payroll costs by 22%!!

Read the article here...Article

You too can save by implementing a system that prevents 'buddy punching' as it is known. The same terminals are supplied with several of the systems provided by Access-to-Time (A2T).

Installing a time and attendance system also improves employees arrival times. One of our most recent new customers commented that the number of late arrivals had dropped dramatically at their printing works in Chippenham, even when the Focus time and attendance system was running on a pilot run without even being fully implemented!

Saving time on calculations also helps the administrator of the payroll system. This may either be through carrying out the calculations needed on a weekly basis automatically or by providing an electronic export to stop double entry of data or for emailing to a payroll bureau.

Talk to us today about saving time and money by implementing a time and attendance system. 01761 410015, or visit our web site for more information.

If you want to know more about time and attendance or time recording visit us on the web here...